You can open HTML file as a database in Exportizer using these ways:

1. Opening by specifying file name (interface: ADO). Select File option and then browse for the needed file.

2. Opening through connection string (interface: ADO). Select Connection string option and write a connection string. This way is the most flexible one because it allows to specify many additional parameters in the connection string and override standard Exportizer connection behavior. But it is recommended basically for advanced users. Here are basic connection strings (more examples and details can be found in the Internet):

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties="HTML Import;DATABASE=C:\MyData\MyHTMLFile.html";


  • In a HTML file, each <table> structure is presented as a database table in Exportizer.
  • This database type is supported in 32-bit version only.
  • Microsoft Jet OLE DB provider must be installed.

See also