There are several ways to open Microsoft Excel 2007+ workbook as a database:
1. Opening by specifying file name (interface: ADO). Select File option and then browse for the needed file.
2. Opening through connection string (interface: ADO). Select Connection string option and write a connection string. This way is the most flexible one because it allows to specify many additional parameters in the connection string and override standard Exportizer connection behavior. But it is recommended basically for advanced users. Here are basic connection strings (more examples and details can be found in the Internet):
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\MyData\myExcel2007file.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=YES"; (Microsoft ACE must be installed; use it for Excel 2007 files)
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\MyData\myExcel2010file.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 14.0;HDR=NO"; (Microsoft ACE must be installed; use it for Excel 2010 files)
Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=C:\MyData\MyExcelFile.xlsx; (Microsoft Excel 2007 ODBC Driver must be installed)
3. Opening through ODBC DSN. Create (if it does not exist yet) an ODBC DSN of the corresponding type using Windows administrative tools, and point it to the file. Then select ADO or BDE interface, choose ODBC data source option and then select the needed ODBC DSN from the drop-down list.
- Open the file in Excel or another application which can work with Excel workbooks like Libre Office Calc etc.
- Select needed cell range.
- Assign a name to the selected cell range (this will be a table name).
- Repeat this to all cell ranges you need to see as tables.
- Save the file.
- Try to open it in Exportizer again. If the result is unsuccessful, try to open the file by specifying different connection strings.
See also